Celebrating a decade of Inkwell goodness!

In 1999 I finally got my first computer, the first iMac model (tangerine for those who care) and within a year I had created my Bob Almond Inkwell thanks to the vital assistance of Craig Rousseau and helpful guidance of Christopher Griffen.  Eventually I was able to ween off of the savvy tech guys and handle stuff solo.  But as time went on my program hot old and outdated and I never upgraded.  This led to my new operating system not being able to accomodate the program so I had to do all my updating on an old Mac G4 and use a flash drive to transfer the files to my Mac OS10 in order to fetch and upload the items online.  This is why many of my updates in 2008-9 were so tardy and sporadic, thus testing my efforts to acchive monthly updates as stated on the site.

Enter the generous Rich Lane who handles sites for a living.  He offered to use an efficient program that would not need FTP and help me rehaul my site which, left on it’s own, would have eventually collapsed in on itself.  So now we have, on the site’s anniversay natch, an upgraded website as well as the old site archived for those nostalgists: the best of both worlds!  For those sections that never need expanding, like the Sal & Bob Gallery and Altered Art Gallery, the pages are the original pages.  For those areas that get the occasional updates like Special Features, once there’s an update, which could be in a month or in 2 years, we’ll create a new page for the new material.

Everything else will be self-contained new pages (Bio, Contributors, etc.) or slowly expanding sections like Credits, Weblinks, Store, Photos, etc.  The lastest updated section, previously known as Gallery2, the commissions gallery, will now be simply the Commissions Gallery and you can check that out here on the 15th page (the previous 14 pages are accessible through a link on the page to the archived gallery section).  So no more galleries one, two, and three.  This site will always be a work in progress and things will still be getting tweaked in the coming weeks but for the most part it is now ready to roll and interactive as well.  So kick the tires and  give it a roll and let me know what you think!

The Conventions Photos Page is now live!

I have updated another section to this revised site, the Convention Photos page.  You can check out the summaries and pics from the last three events I attended, the Pittsburgh Comicon, the New England Comic Con, and the Boston Comic Con.

Boston Comic Con

toppag1033An ever-growing show in my back yard, this Boston Comic Con was the final one at the original venue and I have attended every scheduled one except one if memory serves.  I did ok but the Inkwell Awards did much better and we collected some really great donations for our fundraising that weekend.

Amy Fletcher assisted me on Saturday at the table (pic#1) and nearby was my pal and occasional, longtime ink assistant Warren Martineck who generously rendered a color card for us (pic#2).  Plus I got to catch out with my NY/New Jersey connection of buds like Mark McKenna, Jim Calafiore, and Mike McKone (pics3&4) seated next to Tim Sale to also gave us an excellent Batman sketchcard.  It’s also where I hang out with my local pals like Ernie Pelletier of Friendly Neighborhood Comics, Jay & Steve of Rubber Chicken Comics, Zeke & Alyn, Frankie B. Washington, Mike Doherty, Scott Hamilton, Juli Mayers, Scott Ambruson, Norman Lee (as seen here in pic#5 with Geof Darrow and Walt & Louise Simonson) along with his wife Jan, and surely more people that I’ve forgotten to mention.  Oh yeah, and Bob Shaw (pic#6).  He’s one of the primary reasons that every BCC weekend rocks!  (And I don’t say that simply because he’s on the Inkwell Awards Committee;-))

I even ran into Bob Cambra who I haven’t see since childhood as another member of my Torpedo Comics Group (see my bio) (pic#7).  That was THE highlight for me.

For more photos you can check out the Inkwell Awards Appearances page.











New England Comicon


The one and only New England Comic Con on September 20 (it’s name has been changed to The North East Comic Con as of the upcoming January 10, 2010 show) was a modest but promising event (hey, everything has to start somewhere, right?)  I only took two photos (actually Jay Pillarella of Rubber Chicken Comics did the first one) and it was an Inkwell Awards– related one with Committee members Jimmy Tournas and Bob Shaw joining me alongside artist Amy Fletcher who would act as booth mascot at the subsequent and nearby Boston Comic Con.  The other photo was of Amy and Zeke Savory, Jr.  But I will surely rock in the New Year at Jimmy and Larry Harrison‘s next NECC show on January 10 with more images.



The 2010 Inkwell Awards Auctions have begun!


Bob Shaw has resumed The Inkwell Awards auction fundraising (they ended late fall for the first Dave Simons Scholarship) and you can bookmark this link to check them out: http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/theinkwellawards
The initial week, having begun as of Sunday December 27th, is an ALL CARD theme from the various donations made from within the community at the Boston Comic Con, Dragon*Con, and Baltimore Con. The artists this week include Tim Sale, Warren Martineck, Jim Calafiore, Geof Darrow, James Nguyen, David Peterson, David Mack, Walter Simonson, Stephane Roux, and Steve Lieber! New auctions will resume every Sunday for the near future and they will consist of more sketchcards, sketchcover variants, original art, signed prints, and remarked & signed comics and trades.

The Inkwell Store is now live!

The next updated section at this site is the Store page, previously known as the Art For Sale section on the archived site.

It now can inform interested parties about Original Art, Commissions, Color Prints, Discounted Collections, and Sketchbooks- all for sale and all available!  Looking for a comic by me that you cannot find?  Ask me…I might have it and at a lot cheaper than the local retailer, and signed!  You can also ship books/merchandise to me to autograph if you’d like.  Just click the ‘Store’ link on the top of this page’s navigational links and LMK what I can help you with!

A couple of recent interviews done with me

These go back a couple of months but, as you already know, I wasn’t exactly on top of stuff at this site a couple of months ago



Where the hell have I been?!?

Yeah, some of my site regulars know that I’ve always taken pride in having monthly updates, which I honored most of the time. But just as Rich Lane and I started to construct the new pages, my pal Sal (Velluto) came a callin’ asking me to help him out again on the Phantom (“The Phantom: Johnny Hotwire- The Outlaw Days”) for Sweden’s Egmont Publishing.

This took me out of the picture for 6 weeks and just as a finished that commercial artist contact Jeff Lavezoli (whom I met at Pittsburgh Comic Con a few years ago and for those familiar with my commission gallery knows I did some ‘Bryant Man’ work inking him) emailed me and hired me to ink a Christmas card assignment for a company (don’t worry, it’ll eventually show up in the same-mentioned gallery).  And I’ve been playing catch-up ever since around the house (holiday greeting cards, taxbook, shopping, appointments, etc.) and with The Inkwell Awards regarding the newly appointed ’10 Nomination Committee, new site additions, and boy, you won’t believe what’s been in the works for our 3rd year- no exaggeration!

And I’ll be tackling commissions in a few days. But this site will take up much of my time.  Now that the Bio, Credits, Contributors, and Web Links sections are done, Rich and I are now eagerly working on getting this Homepage and News/ solicitations format all laid out.  Following that we’ll tackle the remaining sections one at a time in no particular order: the Store, Photos, Special Features, and the prolific Galleries. So be patient and I’ll keep you posted and before long I’ll be back to monthly updates as we enter my site’s 10-year anniversary in 2010.  In the meantime, feel free to post comments and ask questions. Do you have any suggestions or requests? And happy holidays to all!!!

Sketch Magazine: back on schedule!

As reported at their site Sketch Magazine will be back on track by next month after a several month absence since issue 39 shipped.  For issue 40 my ‘Inkblots’ column will correct the 2-part article “Getting There: My very Own Origin” and “Staying There” as part 2 was printed in issue 38 without a part one preceding it!  Number 40 will have both. Then issue 41 will finally post the ’09 Inkwell Awards results and some words on Dave Simons and 42 will print a tutorial on inking a sequential Sal Velluto page on The Phantom for Sweden’s Egmont Publishing.
