Boston Comic Con

toppag1033An ever-growing show in my back yard, this Boston Comic Con was the final one at the original venue and I have attended every scheduled one except one if memory serves.  I did ok but the Inkwell Awards did much better and we collected some really great donations for our fundraising that weekend.

Amy Fletcher assisted me on Saturday at the table (pic#1) and nearby was my pal and occasional, longtime ink assistant Warren Martineck who generously rendered a color card for us (pic#2).  Plus I got to catch out with my NY/New Jersey connection of buds like Mark McKenna, Jim Calafiore, and Mike McKone (pics3&4) seated next to Tim Sale to also gave us an excellent Batman sketchcard.  It’s also where I hang out with my local pals like Ernie Pelletier of Friendly Neighborhood Comics, Jay & Steve of Rubber Chicken Comics, Zeke & Alyn, Frankie B. Washington, Mike Doherty, Scott Hamilton, Juli Mayers, Scott Ambruson, Norman Lee (as seen here in pic#5 with Geof Darrow and Walt & Louise Simonson) along with his wife Jan, and surely more people that I’ve forgotten to mention.  Oh yeah, and Bob Shaw (pic#6).  He’s one of the primary reasons that every BCC weekend rocks!  (And I don’t say that simply because he’s on the Inkwell Awards Committee;-))

I even ran into Bob Cambra who I haven’t see since childhood as another member of my Torpedo Comics Group (see my bio) (pic#7).  That was THE highlight for me.

For more photos you can check out the Inkwell Awards Appearances page.









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