Entries by dmralmond@gmail.com

Conventions a’coming! 2010, part one

I thought I’d put a spotlight my upcoming shows and signings in this entry.  Right around the corner is the Boston Comic Con on April 10-11 at a new venue and a cast of thousands where I will debut the new Inkwell Awards brochure and 2010 Donation Book and my family will spend the Sunday […]

Behold Bob’s Banners!

I’ve had two Inkwell Awards banners for a couple of years now but after over eighteen years in the industry I finally got around to getting my own vertical banner.  My bud and fellow committee Inkwell Awards member Jimmy Tournas took some image files of mine and designed the two shown below.  The Marvin and […]

And hell froze over!

I’ve resisted adding another social network after ComicSpace suddenly blocked my access and after I’ve been happy, but very busy, with Facebook.  However, a recent job lead made me realize that it’s a business neccessity.  So for those interested, I now have a Twitter account so you can stalk me to your heart’s content, all […]

Can anyone get me this poster?

I discovered this poster recently which include a Black Panther shot from Sal and my work from Black Panther#36 (2001) and, me being the completist that I am, I checked with my local retailers to see if they could get it for me and they regrettably could not.  I’ve seen it on eBay but, honestly, […]

Celebrating a decade of Inkwell goodness!

In 1999 I finally got my first computer, the first iMac model (tangerine for those who care) and within a year I had created my Bob Almond Inkwell thanks to the vital assistance of Craig Rousseau and helpful guidance of Christopher Griffen.  Eventually I was able to ween off of the savvy tech guys and […]

Boston Comic Con

An ever-growing show in my back yard, this Boston Comic Con was the final one at the original venue and I have attended every scheduled one except one if memory serves.  I did ok but the Inkwell Awards did much better and we collected some really great donations for our fundraising that weekend. Amy Fletcher […]