Here I come again, Granite State!
I’ll be attending the Granite State Comicon this Sunday May 23 from 10-4 and carpoolin’ with my bud Craig for the trip. Besides myself I’ll have the Inkwell Awards table set up (along with Bob Shaw in the house) with the usual non-profit good for sale for our ongoing fundraising like our signed 2009 and both editions of our 2010 Donation Drive books as well as all of our t-shirts (both logos and Ms. Inkwell) and our Ms. Inkwell items…just no Ms. Inkwell herself (sorry, guys:-P). Other guests include Khoi Pham (Mighty Avengers), Tim Seeley (Hack/Slash), Becky Cloonan (Demo), Eric Basaldua (Witchblade, Grimm Fairy Tales), Craig Rousseau (Marvel Adventures), Cliff Rathburn (Walking Dead), Talent Caldwell (Fathom, Wildcats), Chris Moreno (Toy Story), Charles Paul Wilson III (Stuff of Legend) as well as Zeke Savory, Jr., Scott Ambruson, Sara Richard, Greg Moutafis, Hannibal King, Lauren Perry, Joe Haley, Jason Casey, Mike Doherty, and many more! The Proulx bros of Double Midnight Comics put together a great show every time in Manchester, NH so if you’re in the area please drop by for some awesome one-day show fun!