Another first-time artist is welcomed to the Bob Almond Inkwell Commission Gallery as client Michael Rankins sent me a Wonder Woman by penciler Alan Patrick. For Michael this is commission#53 and my 10th Wonder Woman job (11th if you count a JLA group shot she was in by Velluto & myself).

This piece was on 2-ply and unconventionally-sized/cut 11.5X16.5 board. I like the classic, romantic pose which works for the mythological subject matter (Medusa turning men to stone). The artist is a stickler for detail and with his board having a very textured surface it was challenging to apply ink on it for clean lines. I used Pitt brush and superfine markers, micron markers, a Sakura Pigma #1 marker, and a whole lot of brush (Raphael Kolinsky 8404 size 3) including dry brush and some crayon effect with Lumocolor black grease pencil.

I completed this job on March 1, 2015.

Alan Patrick’s DeviantArt page:

Alan’s pencil art

Bob’s ink art