Welcome new client from France, Kriss Palma! For his premier commission, I got a 9X12 pencil drawing on 2-ply board of the Avenger’s Yellowjacket (one of several of Hank Pym’s identities over the decades) by Mike McKone. I think this is my first solo Yellowjacket, but I’ve inked him a few times in Avengers pieces, the last one being this one: http://almondink.com/bobarchive/gallery/GSavengers.html. I’ve ghost inked/assisted McKone before for inker Mark McKenna on such titles as Magnus Robot Fighter, Vext and others in the 1990s. But I think this is the first time I’ve been commissioned to ink him as myself;-) (Damon?) From 2008, this work hearkens back to when Mike added more details to his art, something he’s gone more minimalistic about since he started to ink himself on assignments and commissions. I used brush and markers on this job and finished it on 10/28/12.
Mike McKone on DeviantArt: http://mike2112mckone.deviantart.com/