After having done two card sketch donations with Glenn for my Inkwell Awards, Glenn and I collaborated art for the April 23-25, 2010 Pittsburgh Comicon t-shirt and donated the original art to the Make-a-Wish Foundation charity that promoter Renee George hosts annually at the show. Glenn pencilled Iron Man and Black Widow on 11X17 2-ply board to play off the hype of the approaching Iron Man 2 film. I inked it with brush and markers and sent it off to the show on 2/19/10. Later I got the digital color proof files from colorist Koa Beam since I requested to do up and sell prints for that weekend, some of which were signed by us and also donated to the charity.
***NOTE: For those eagle-eyed Inkwell gallery fans who might’ve noticed and thought they were crazy: this album originally and chronologically took place in my gallery between the John Romita, Jr.s’ “Wondergirl and Friends” job and the Val Semeiks’ “Black Panther’s Jungle Action Rogues” one but I inadvertently deleted it (and had to redo it from scratch) during my last gallery updates and neither me nor site master Rich Lane could figure out how to place it back. Not yet anyway.
Glenn Klimeck’s CAF gallery: http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerydetail.asp?gcat=32155