At an unknown convention two years ago my friend and ex-ink assistant Scott Ambruson did this sketch in my son Nathan Almond’s sketchbook as a gift. I decided to ink it as a gift as I’d never inked Scott’s pencils before. I decided to add black to the surroundings for maximum impact, as well as enhance the gunshot flash. I have a couple of regrets, though. I hate inking in sketchbooks as the paper bleeds and trying to ink on a raised surface with curled paper simply sucks…so the line quality isn’t up to my standards. I had an interesting moment when I was filling in the blacks with my Pitt brush mrker and like the black fade out effect it gave to hint at the motion, while serving like flash lines. But I’d already filled in the top left corner fully so I had to add that section via white correction fluid and brush and then black ink over that. The results are somewhat lacking. And because I was later questioning whether this effect worked at all, I removed them on a duplicate file in Photoshop. But both are neurotically shown here for your scrutiny. Besides my usual brush and markers, I used white spatter and black ink dry brush…also some dull x-acto blade scrapings to hint at him falling toward the viewer. Scott’s supposed to come by the home in a few days so I’ll probably have him either redo this message and sig in ink or fill in the white text boxes I left and have him redo it in white (like my ‘A’ sig) which is my preference, so as to not be as distracting, although I worry that the white might fade over time. I don’t believe I’ve ever done a commish with Deadpool so this would be the one. I completed this 8.5X11 image on 3/18/11.

Scott’s page at Serendipity Art:
His CAF gallery:

Scott’s pencils

Altered Inks by Almond (Photoshop edit)

Original inks by Almond