While it’s my 39th job overall for him, Damon sent me his 2nd “Brotherhood” commission, this time clashing with “ANIA”, and it’s my 2nd effort at inking Geof. Damon’s Brotherhood theme consists of cross-company characters made up of super-people of color; in this example we have Green Lantern, Icon & Black Panther. Their rivals, ANIA, is named after a short-lived publisher by the same name and some of their characters are part of this group’s lineup: Heru, Omega Man & Ebony Warrior. The art was a killer to ink due to the meticulous details but it was also loads of fun….I don;’t mind at all doing a lot of work if something sweet comes of it. I slightly adjusted Icon’s hair and added lines to Black Panther’s gloves and boots. Inked with my normal tools of brush and markers with some Pitt brush marker, this 11.25X16 image was completed on 12/22/2005. Tom Smith was subsequently commissioned to add color to it. That digital work was done on 12/30/2005. Happy New Year!