A fan commissioned me at the Boston Spectacular Show on 11/6/2005 to ink over an 8.5X11 blueline sketch of Vampirella by TMNT artist Michael Dooney, my first but certainly not last from him. I used a Pitt brush marker, small Pitt marker and micronmarkers. |
 Michael Dooney con sketch of Vampirella |
Just prior to this convention I did up some sketches on the back of my “Bob Almond Inkworks” sketchbook for no additional charge. The ones shown here are my first sketches of Black Panther, Hulk (#5), Spider-man, Wolverine and Iron Man. Completed on 11/5/2005. I’ll be sure to post any future sketches in a gallery entry. |
 Bob’s Sketch |
 Bob’s Sketch |
 Bob’s Sketch |
 Bob’s Sketch |
 Bob’s Sketch |