Yet more commissions for Damon, these are my first inking veteran artist/inker Bob McLeod. It was only coincidence that a month earlier I’d read an interview on Bob at on how he prefers other inkers to ink his pencil art but it actually helped me a little bit when I got these images sent my way, Which is good because it’s always a little intimidating inking another inker, especially one with so much experience. I added a couple of lines to better define Tri’s uniform. Inked in mostly brush, some marker and a teensy bit of rub-on Instantex for Delroy’s hair I finished the Avenger Triathlon on 2/28/04. Inked with all the same tools except Instantex, Neal Adams’ Knighthawk was completed the very next day.

Pencils by Bob McLeod

Inks by Bob Almond

Pencils by Bob McLeod

Inks by Bob Almond