Here’s the 2nd part of the Hitoshi blueline batch. As a reminder, this assignment consists of 3 images that tie in together thematically as the Birds of Prey. This image, my 6th for Hitoshi and my 7th over Dooney, is my 2nd Huntress commission. I inked it with brush, markers, Pitt brush marker, white drybrush and white paint spatter. The client requested that I flop, or reverse, the image so that she would face Batgirl as bookends with Black Canary in the center. I honestly and regretfully forgot this detail. But Hitoshi was happy with it as is. But for the sake of his vision I’ve flopped the file here. I completed this 11X17 blueline image on 8/21/2007.

Dooney pencils

Bob’s Ink