Latest News

Past and present news from, of, about, for or related to Bob. If its about Bob, it would be here.


Catch all the past and present news from Almond Ink.

Black Panther merchandise stuff

For those Panther fans who may be interested: at Heroes Con a…


I share in the grieving for my friend Michael Rankins at the…

New gigs for the summer!

Out of the blue I was contacted by the editor of DC's First Wave…

Handbook Hunt! Commissions Ceased! Site stalled!

A tradition in my news archives has been to track where samples…

Last stop on the Inkwell tour….HEROES CON!

For a while anyway.   The Heroes Con on June 4-6 is the last…

Here I come again, Granite State!

I'll be attending the Granite State Comicon this Sunday May…