I was asked to submit an ink sample over a blueline file for Martin Shapiro, publisher of Night Owl Productions on 11/26/2005. The pencil artist was Martin Montiel who’s work I knew from the early issues of THE VICTORIAN while I was working for Penny-Farthing Press. The project was called “CHOPPER” and it would be a horror book. Martin asked that I NOT use thick ink lines but instead approach the work with a delicate line, much like John Cassaday. He also asked me to try to make the girl in panels 6&7 look younger. I submitted the 11X17 inked file on 3/17/2006 and received a professional rejection message on 4/13. Martin had previously mentioned that he was also testing other inkers and I’m aware that Bob McLeod was one of them. Artist Rodney Ramos ultimately got the job and I congratulated him.

Pencils by Martin Montiel

Inks by Bob