This page in b&w was approved (file 2), drawn by Sal, and then I got halfway through inking it when Penny-Farthing Press decided they wanted Sal to redesign the page (used art- file 1). I was busy trying to keep up on the schedule so Sal inked his own pencils. I later finished inking the original version. This 11X17 splash page montage shows Captain Gravity and several of the characters & scenes from the PFP-published series CAPTAIN GRAVITY & THE POWER OF THE VRIL. It was inked with brush, markers, white dot zip, an eraser and white paint spatter. It was completed either late 2005 or early 2006.”

Captain Gravity & the Power of the Vril #6, page 2- pencils & inks Sal Velluto, as colored/published

Unused art- pencils: Sal Velluto, inks: Bob Almond